Dyes and pigments Industries
Pharmaceutical Industries
Phosphates Industries
Herbicides Industries
Waste Sludge Industries
Fine Chemicals Industries
Chloride Industries
Bromides Industries
Chemical Intermediates Industries
Agrochemicals (Atrazine etc.) Industries
Solvent Recovery From Effluent Industries
Press cakes and Pigments Industries
Wastewater and Spent Liquors Industries
Solvent Recovery From Waste Industries
Glycerin Recovery From Salt Industries
Sulfate Industries
Carbonates Industries

Mobile Test facility / Process Guarantees

Our Mobile Test Facility, can process your product to demonstrate the utility of the ATFE/ATFD.Computer-controlled operating parameters allow us to handle many different product characteristics and provide data for a comprehensive report of the test results. Balaji can provide a process guarantee based on these test results that will ensure commercial success for you.